About Me

Mr Nelson Toh, Principal Tutor, JC Econs 101

Economics is tough.

Students often think that it is just about writing as much content as they can remember.

In fact it requires very rigorous theoretical foundations. And many students struggle with the subject. A lot.

However, unlike Math or Science exams, a huge dose of flexibility is required to answering increasingly creative and tricky questions, and under extreme exam time pressure.

Sweat no more: Conquer Economics with me.

I graduated with a BSc. (Hons) in Economics from NUS, and I have been teaching “A” level and “IB” Economics for the last 13 years.

My students have benefited from my depth of experience in teaching Economics, and from the special attention that I pay to each of them, in designing lessons that maximise the effectiveness of each session.

All of these have come together in my special set of notes (download them here for free), and rigorously-curated practice questions used to reinforce the Economic theories and principles, as well as practical applications.

In addition to providing academic support, I help my students develop important study skills such as time management, note-taking, and critical thinking. This approach is a massive enabler to the Economics subject, and will even aid in future academic and professional endeavors.

Don’t let Economics hold you back from achieving so much more. Take action now by contacting me to book a free-of-charge trial lesson.

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